How well do you know MARTA? See if you can ace this quiz
A train pulls into the West End MARTA station on June 11, 2022. (Ryan Stultz/Access Atlanta)
MARTA serves nearly 400,000 people a day, according to GSU, across trains, buses and other services - but how many of them are true MARTA fanatics who have schedules memorized and know the stations like the back of their hand?
Let’s find out. To test your MARTA knowledge, take our quiz and see if you can identify all 14 of these photos by which station they were taken in. I warn you - we practically cheated with some of these crops and details. Anyone who gets a perfect score deserves a prize ... unfortunately there isn’t one. But good luck!
5 of the most haunted places in Georgia
For thrill-seekers and those intrigued by the paranormal, this list …